Have faith! The best is yet to come.

Have faith! The best is yet to come. An inspiring read on how to navigate through troubled chapters in life. funkyjunkinteriors.net
When I use to go camping back in the day, a new batch of books from the thrift store generally came along for the ride. Reading at bedtime or on the beach is a fav thing to do when I’m out in vacay land. The escape is like a holiday within a holiday!

Especially if it’s a nice, fluffy safe read.

One time I was handed a large bag of books from a friend before we head to the campground. So sweet! But I didn’t check them, and right at bedtime, found they were all murder mysteries. Scary stuff in my book. There was nothing else to read on that given night, so I leafed through the titles, then picked one that sounded less scary than the others.

WRONG. I didn’t get past the 2nd page when I glanced out all the windows to ensure we were safe, and checked the lock on the trailer door!


I think it’s a given we all like to feel safe and happy. Isn’t that what life should be filled with?

Unfortunately, bad things do happen. It’s a given that stories can become scary in between the romping-on-the-beach fun reads.

Bad stuff takes our breath away. It’s as if you have to plough through this 28 step grief program (or how it seems) to fully get it.

Train bridge over the river | funkyjunkinteriors.net

But then eventually, things somehow magically move forward.

They may lurch back and forth though, or even come to a screeching halt first. Or worse, move backwards again, kinda like a train changing cars in the middle of a busy road crossing.

Don’t you just hate that?

But every. single. time. something like this happens? It’s like a little step is custom built that is imperative for the next step to be even possible.

Stepping stones. Continuing chapters. Call it what you may.

Have you read MY STORY? Living proof right there.

Or here’s the story of how a mysterious illness started Funky Junk!

Thing is, we put so much effort into the impossible parts.

That’s just human nature. If 1000 people say something nice on Facebook but one says something cruel, we seem to remember THAT one loud and clear.

I like to think of my life in terms of a story book. My novel will be filled with happy times, glorious achievements, but also very tough and sometimes scary chapters. Only to rinse and repeat. It’s a story that will never really be over until you leave Earth. And even then, we hopefully leave a good legacy of sorts behind.

So, my point in all this?

When scary chapters hit, do all YOU can.

Then remember to step back, and place your faith on top.

Then let the story transpire.

And bend along with it. 

Have faith! The best is yet to come. An inspiring read on how to navigate through troubled chapters in life. funkyjunkinteriors.net

I wrote this post for me, because I needed it today. I can’t seem to wade through my own murky waters, but when I speak to others, it somehow becomes easy.

Maybe try that. Then take your own advice!

And now to follow through…

Here’s a few more pick-me-up kinda reads if you need to fuel your empty tank…

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Categories: Daily Junk Mail, Inspiration, Junk Drawer, Personal

20 thoughts on “Have faith! The best is yet to come.

  1. you are right…we remember that one cruel thing! I’m not sure why, but I try not to let that kinda thing get to me and I hope you do the same!

    no scary books for me & I love to read! I hope sharing helps whatever you are facing…my tank has been pretty empty lately too, but we are blessed in so many ways.

    get out on that swing you have going over the water…I feel like you could only smile on that!

  2. First of all, your photos are absolutely breath-taking. I could easily have a poster of one of them.

    I want you to have a very good life. You’re right that bad things happen and I know you are tough, but that doesn’t mean you don’t get worn down or feel bad once in a while.

    I hope I’ve never posted anything that might have hurt your feelings or made you feel bad.

    You have a great blog that I enjoy very much!

  3. Have you ever considered selling your photographs? So many of them are inspiring. The spring trees and bench image was just what I needed today.

  4. Thank you for sharing your heart. I can’t tell you how many times you’ve said just what I needed to hear. I have been ill going on a year now and have read your story a couple different times. It’s encourages me to not give up to keep pressing on and know that God has a plan. So Thank You!!

  5. Somehow, as a youth, I thought life was going to be without trials. They happened to other people.

    Age teaches you that you are not untouchable to tragedy; that the Lord will see you through it; you will grow, in spite of yourself. Suffering is a part of life.

    Today, when you come to mind, I will pray for you.

  6. Donna we all have tough times and I’m so glad you can come here and share them with us in our own way. Just know that you are not alone, we all have had to deal with difficulties. And you do what you can to lighten the load and get though it. Praying for you and yours.

  7. God Bless you Donna, although you wrote this for you today, I do believe it applies to a lot more peeps on this planet then you will ever know. Your writings are a blessing to me so be joyful in the fact that you have found a purpose in inspiring others like me on this sometimes rocky road we call life. Peace be with you?

  8. I think of my life as a tapestry that hangs on a castle wall. There are lots of bright sun lit scenes, but there needs to be some dark colors in there sometimes for it to be a great work of art. I love reading your blog

  9. Lovely post and a good reminder whether one is feeling UP or down. I’m sorry to hear you’re having a rough patch but I do hope you will be able to adopt your own very wise perspective.
    (also, gorgeous pictures! I want to go to there!)

  10. Beautiful photos, I mean absolutely beautiful! And a beautiful and heartfelt post. Thank you for writing Donna. Your words have a way of hitting the mark. Relatable and welcoming. Hope you have a good day and that life is good to you.

  11. Great post Donna. Your posts always seem to speak to me (thank you!). It’s nice to know that one person isn’t alone with those feelings. I think we all feel like we’re taking a couple steps back instead of forward at some time or other. The key is to just keep going 🙂

  12. Hugs Donna, you give us ways to dig ourselves out of fear, worry, being overwhelmed. Deep breath, bike ride, drink cold water, do something that is right for you.

  13. Life definitely has it’s ebb and flow of good and bad. Faith is what keeps you steady, no matter which way the tide is moving. And writing is always good for reminding us what to do during the hard times.

    God bless you, Donna 🙂

  14. In case anyone is reading this… for those of you that prayed on my behalf, thank you! Some answers and changes came. So now I need the strength to carry things through.

    I appreciate your kind words and heart felt messages so much. Thank you all!

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