Happy fall everyone!
Although we’re in full-out fall season here with endless rainy days at times, when that sun comes out, it’s sprint time for a chance to enjoy a bike ride through all those fallen leaves!
However, rainy days do make pretty fabulous guilt-free indoor-creating days, do they not? Which helped make a year-long brainstorm finally happen.
You may remember the directional signs I made last Christmas with these winter sayings.
Along the same line, I desired some iconic fall sayings to be a part of the stencil line. So I got to work! Each 2-word phrase was designed to marry each other well, as well as look great on their own.
With a little twist…
I’m SO all about unique creativity, so tagging alongside the new fall words (Corn Maze, Apple Cider, Pumpkin Patch, and Corn Maze) a super fun Arrow Kit and Fall Graphics were also added! The endless possibilities with all these new stencils pave the way for some pretty great workshop material or simply to use in your own home over and over again. No two signs need to look alike! I love that.
Visit the store HERE to see all the fall designs.
So as I was going about my way to make these fall directional signs happen, I decided to up their level a bit with a drop shadow and paint splatter technique, which I’ll also share in this post!
So… allow me to share what’s lived in my own head since last fall…
How to stencil rustic fall directional signs with drop shadows
Supplies I used:
(this post contains some Amazon affiliate links)
Reclaimed wood fence boards
Fall stencil sayings – from HERE
Fusion Mineral Paint’s Tuscan Orange and Coal Black
Find a local Fusion merchant HERE
Other various acrylic craft paint in desired tones
1. Select reclaimed wood boards, and prepare them for stenciling.
These reclaimed wood fence boards I found HERE measured at 4.25″ deep x various lengths.
As I wanted these fall signs to look authentic, the old fence boards were pressure washed, then lightly sanded with a palm sander just enough to remove any loose paint flakes. Then left as-is.
2. Arrange the stencils on each board, deciding which word you prefer where.
Since I planned to stack my directional signs, and already decided that the first words would be coloured, I laid out the words in an order that would best marry each other colour-wise.
3. How to stencil drop shadows
Because I desired the first coloured words to ‘pop’, I added a black drop shadow to each one.
a) Stencil the entire phrase in black.
I used Fusion’s Coal Black.
b) After the black paint is dry to the touch, replace the stencil on top of the first word only, then position the stencil slightly up and to the left. Tape stencil in place.
c) Stencil the top colour.
I use Fusion’s Tuscan Orange. It was SO perfect and beautiful!
You may also find the top coat requiring two coats in order to cover the black base coat. It’s best to add a little at a time, attempting to keep your brush dry-to-the-touch each round.
Learn more about how to stencil HERE
d) If desired, slightly splatter black paint over top of the top colour for added effects.
Leave the stencil in place, then flick black paint across the words with your finger. Remove stencil to reveal the look.
With the other words, I used various acrylic craft paints for the red, yellow and grey.
4. Add arrow tips and ends on both sides of each word, rotating the directions.
This part was the most fun! I simply taped off the stencil where I desired the arrows to end, then stenciled with Coal Black on either side of the 2-word phrases, rotating the arrow directions with each sign.
The kit allows you to create lots of different arrow variations! I am REALLY enjoying this stencil!
Find the Arrow Kit HERE
Then it was time to hang up my nearly year-long fall dream and make them do something fun!
Apple Cider anyone?
Because I attached the sign boards to a board and batten wall treatment in my photo studio, this created gaps between the signs and wall so I could slip S-hooks on the boards to hang mugs.
You can create gaps on any sign boards by screwing two small wood pieces from behind if desired.
While the signs stand on their own really well…
The addition of rustic branches / S-hooks / mugs / an apple basket further their story. It’s a fun challenge marrying theme to words!
The shadow and splatter letters really help make those first words pop!
Above is a short video of the process. They were very fun and easy to make!
Music: Happiness by https://www.bensound.com/
Fall directional signs dream mission complete!
Now to get some real Apple Cider on the go here…
How would you use these signs?
Shop all the new fall stencils HERE
Stunning Donna. Love the drop shadow behind the lettering, it makes it pop. Mmmmmm since it’s Spring here in S Africa, I’m thinking that those new arrow head stencils will look pretty darn cool combined with your beach themed stencils and just maybe add the cider one too. Cider’s good no matter what the season is 😉
Thanks Michelle! Those arrows would work perfectly with the Getaway Collection because the fall sayings are designed to the same scale. You just may be the first to give it a whirl… 😀
And one day I aspire to visit Africa. Every time you comment, I want to hop on a plane to see what you see….
Donna this group of stencils is just amazing! I am anxious to try your new techniques!
Carlene, the way you’re going to town with the new fall stencils, I’m surprised you didn’t beat me to it! 😀
Loving all your unique creations! Just what they were designed to help do. Thank-you for your never ending creativity!
Love these new stencils & your techniques Donna, I have purchased your buffalo check stencil & have used it on anything and everything. Great stencil
Hey Sandi! Thank-you so much and isn’t that stencil killer?! Glad it’s working out so well for you! I agree… nothing is plain around here any longer! 😀