String wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands and sign

Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!

String wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands and sign

Christmas trees are kinda near and dear to my heart. As a kid, our tree was always real, heavy with tinsel and tin light protectors on big, colourful glass bulbs.

We were allowed (I think?) to sneak downstairs and bring one gift back upstairs to unwrap in bed, to hold us over until it was human to actually be awake. I remember gazing into the face of my first Timex watch FOREVER (before it got light out).

Back to Christmas decorating… I was starting to feel overwhelmed with a Christmas tree half up in my living room and boxes all over the place. It sure was easier as a kid when mom and dad decorated!

So know what I did instead? I told myself to go into the workshop instead and play on something that makes me happy.

Besides, it’s easier than cleaning a whole house…

So I came up with some pretty cute and compact string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands and a pretty cute sign to further their story!

And had a VERY good day, thank-you!

Here’s how I whipped up these string wrapped wood Christmas trees in just a few minutes!

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String wrapped wood Christmas trees

with junk stands and sign


Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!



1. Using a miter saw, cut wood planks on a 22.5 degree angle on one side, then flip the board over and cut again to create a triangle shape.

Gently sand the wood triangle edges with a palm sander to smooth them out a little.

Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!

2. Tie each tree with something different: different weights of twine, light rope, raffia, etc.

I just did a bunch of winding with various twine, rope, etc to get different looks, knotting it in place on the back.

Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!

3. Select different Christmas tree stands from your rusty junk bin. Then place a tree on each stand. The more random, the better! 

I didn’t permanently attach the trees to the bases, but rather, just set the wood on top of them. If you wanted to attach, I’d suggest to drill a small hole under the tree, then attach tree base with an applicable washer / bolt, as required, or try glue. I like to reuse my components so I like things loose.

I did drill a hole under one of the trees so the tree would fit onto the wheels though.

Please tell me you have a rusty junk bin… if you don’t, it’s high time to head on out and collect for one! Solves all my problems daily. HERE is one way I added to mine.

Stencil a Trees sign


Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!

Christmas Trees stencil | Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils

View Christmas Trees stencil HERE

4. Make a cute mini Trees sign that further tells this story.

  • I first painted a plank in a sage green in a half hazard way.(no sanding needed)
  • Once dry, Trees Pine Spruce Fir from Christmas Trees was stenciled in white.
  • Twine was wrapped around each end for an added rustic detail.

Learn how to stencil HERE

Paint – Fusion Mineral Paint’s Bayberry and Casement.
(find a local retailer HERE)

Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!

The finished results!


5. Stage your adorable string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands and sign somewhere where you can enjoy it all Christmas or winter long!

This is the part I call ‘playing house.’

I lined the tree farm on top an antique crate, then showcased all this in front of a super chippy cabinet I got from inside the video in THIS junk shopping trip.

The cabinet is still in my workshop, which I’m finding is coming in mighty handy for taking cute pictures!

Still mulling over where to put it forever-like.

Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!

Aren’t these string wrapped wood Christmas trees just adorable though?

I mean… wood triangles. That’s it!

Can you imagine taller and shorter trees too? Or even in different colours?

Or stenciled in different patterns?

I was first inspired to make mini trees thanks to Inspired by Charm’s snowy modern version HERE

Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!

I love the rusty junk pieces that mimic Christmas tree bases!

Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!

While the Trees sign was actually an after thought, I’m SO glad I made it. I adore the excuse to bring some Bayberry green paint into the mix! Very tree-like.

And I want an 8 foot tree like this now.

Just think… wrap the rope and leave the lights in the box!

Can you tell I’m really trying to get out of lighting up the main tree?

Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!

Learn how to make these charming string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands with cute Trees Christmas sign for Christmas or winter decorating in minutes! Click for full tutorial and view helpful video!

I’m so in love with these string wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands. And now I want to go cut more wood up!

Video How-to:



Click above to view a 1 minute video so you can view the easy sawing process!

Beware… I’ve already started another easy reclaimed wood brainstorm… I hope you’re stocked up!

Think you’ll try making some of these cuties?

Other DIY Christmas trees you may also enjoy:

Learn how to make these adorable wood scrap Christmas trees, pallet crate style! Click for full tutorial.

Wood scrap Christmas trees in a toolbox

pallet wood You Cut Tree Farm Christmas sign in a bucket

You Cut Tree Farm tree in a bucket

Reclaimed wood Christmas tree for a winter porch

Fence wood planked Christmas tree

Hanging twig Christmas tree made with string

Twig tied hanging Christmas tree

Visit many other DIY Christmas trees HERE

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Categories: All Cool Projects, Christmas, DIY, Junk Drawer, Old Sign Stencils, Reclaimed wood projects, Seasonal, Signs, Winter
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13 thoughts on “String wrapped wood Christmas trees with junk stands and sign

  1. Love all your ideas, you make my days so happy! Those little trees are so darn cute!! Thanks for always sharing…happy holidays..

  2. Oh WOW Donna !! They look lovely. Something fab about wood and yarn/jute/twine.
    I’m inspired to try out something similar with the small pile of wood slices i have too.

    • Hi Sarah, the trees are simply sitting on top of the bases. They are not attached, except I did drill a hole in the tree for the wheel base so it would fit. I’ll edit the post to reflect this better. Thanks!

  3. So cute! I’m there with you on the lack of decorating mojo:( I’ve got stuff set all over the house an would just rather create something; so many ideas in my head. Wish I could just snap my fingers and the decorating would be done; think I need some caffine and some loud Christmas music!

  4. Loved the project. I too had a Christmas tree meltdown 2019 ended up leaving lights off the tree and decorated with stuff i made and shiney bulbs to catch light. I loved it!

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